Monday, January 4, 2010


Wow, did not realize that last month i spend more than monthly spendses that i spend before, the money spend out like the water been pour out, walao eh......
Now a days, melacca traffic getting worst, to town area by car, it will cost you about 1 or two hour, because of the traffic jam. The petrol burned during the traffic jam are just more than i can say...some how there is many celebration during December, got celebration mean that got $$$ is out from my wallet and yet the celebration is not everyday, but once per year.......This few week i been annoy by my parent that i spend how many la, spend a lot la..and bla bla bla, aiya, i know what i'm doing la, please........
I think now money is a sensitive isue between me and my parent...when discuss of it, the ISA will come and catch me...lolz ==!!! anyway i wanna tell my lovely parent : Your son is very clear of what he is spending and yet he is able to manage the spend.....

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