Saturday, December 12, 2009


Recently so moody.....with no reason no sign before it because after going to the field of work will become like this? It is true, after back from office which stay there for whole day, is tired for me, although doing nothing heavy at there, some time might just sit in front computer, staring to the screen, some time will follow technician walk along the factory..still it is quite tired after all this..
Or may be it is because you are not here? every weekend come out with no idea, no where to go, no partner to out with, wasting my weekend time....but it will be different with you, i think although windows shopping or just walk around in shopping mall or jonker street will not boring for me, it just left around 13 days for you back to melacca, but it is about a few century for me, sigh...
Yesterday was calling you, chat a lot with you, i think that is one of the conversation between us that i cant forget, haha. Thank for telling the truth, thank
for willing sharing with me..... yesterday was three month for us being together, and it is quite happy that u telling me that you getting stronger feeling toward me.. haha. That was our first two month, and i am going to have more and more two month, one year, year and year anniversary with you, please take note oo, not wish to or hope to, but going to.....after yesterday conversation, it make me more confident to the path to future...hehe...
Hmm my factory is quite dangerous, according to S&H department (safety and health) that was average two incident happen per month, sigh last two day i just heard that my friend's department there got one tan of roll material fall down, don't know whether got people injured or not, but i think people without injured is impossible, my department is electrical maintenance, i actually is in charge in software maintenance, but i have no basic of visual basic and PLC, so i had to learn from zero, than i also need to help technician go sub station, cause i cant help my supervisor with no basic of visual basic, so everyday need to face the high risk, facing the 132kV and 11kV. There was a incident happen in our department before, VCB explode. Every day facing dangerous, not i no brave, but i think scare death is every one's instinct right?haha.. so i would like say something here:
I Love You Shu Wen
Erm writing a lot d, and i almost far away from my title d, ok la, just wanna say something here, hehe..after this i gonna upload my photo la..haha...

Me with the safety helmet

Explode Of VCB

Store room that i always snake at..haha

11kV circuit braker

Dangerous...132kV transformer, only can go in sub station with permit of charge man


Do you what is this? This is test pen, test the circuit of sub station whether got short or not.

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